Polished Concrete | The Floor Company
Serving Ottawa, Belleville, Peterborough and Renfrew

Polished Concrete

A natural finish created by polishing the concrete surface to perfection.


Our polished concrete system involves diamond grinding, treating and polishing the actual concrete surface with specially designed densifiers and stain resistant sealers. We progressively grind and polish the concrete surface through a 7, 8 or 9 stage process with finer and finer diamonds to achieve the desired gloss level.

 Introduction to Polished Concrete.PDF

Polished concrete floors are energy efficient: The glass like effect of polished concrete reflects light and heat to reduce energy consumption, yet is solid, durable and low-maintenance. Polished concrete is very versatile; it is cost effective for small and large commercial environments as well as an architectural finish for residential homes.

Most polishes expose the natural (stone) aggregate within the concrete slab that adds character and looks luxurious. The size of exposed aggregate can usually be specified from just tiny 1/8” pebbles to full 1” stones. Control of aggregate size is best determined before pouring the slab – give us a call and we’ll help specify the concrete mix.

Colour can be added with stains and dyes to compliment the surrounding environment. We can introduce further creativity with stencils and artwork designs. Finally, most floors are finished with a densifier and sealer which is impregnated into the floor with a high speed burnisher for the ultimate in surface durability.

Why Choose Polished Floors?

Polished concrete is the new alternative to traditional floor product coverings such as tile, hardwood, vinyl, and carpeting. The Floor Company turns standard concrete floors into a work of art. Often more reasonably priced than other floor coverings and offers these additional benefits below:

Healthy Surfaces

Polished concrete is as healthy as it is beautiful. Household mites, dust and dirt are known to cause illnesses and can accumulate in carpets and other types of flooring. Tiled grout lines can be an environment for mold, dirt, oils and mildew which results in bacteria growth. Polished concrete is seamless, non-porous and provides easier-to-clean surfaces, especially for food-service and health-care facilities.

The Vinyl Tile Alternative

Polished concrete has character and is a low maintenance alternative to vinyl tile (VCT). Contractors and builders choose natural concrete for LEED points because it is a more eco-friendly flooring system. You will also eliminate the need for tile removal and replacement every few years. Costs and processes used in the stripping and waxing process make vinyl an expensive floor to maintain over time.

Brighter Environment

There is increased ambient lighting with polished concrete with its light reflectivity which is ideal for restaurants, retail and office buildings as it projects a clean, bright and professional image. The higher degree of shine is much like a polished marble which means less overhead lights are required in a building with polished concrete floors.

Life Cycle Cost

Large facilities are choosing polished concrete in place of vinyl tiles and other hard surface flooring as it can be maintained at a much lower cost. Polished concrete also outlasts all alternatives and for this reason is the new product of choice for schools, arenas & sports stadiums, retail stores, box-store outlets and office workplaces.

Ease of Maintenance

Keeping polished concrete to a shine requires minimal effort and expense but some regular cleaning is necessary. A simple maintenance program of regular dusting to remove grit, along with damp mopping with clean water or a neutral cleaner will keep it lasting for years. High traffic areas such as retail may require occasional buffing or burnishing with a sealer to enhance the shine. Ask us about our polished concrete maintenance services – or a customized plan to maintain your own floor.