concrete resurfacing ottawa | The Floor Company
Serving Ottawa, Belleville, Peterborough and Renfrew


All posts tagged concrete resurfacing ottawa

Dust Control and Concrete Floors

Concrete floors naturally emit dust and powders, especially when they’re freshly installed. This dust can settle on furniture, compromise the environment, and require regular cleaning and maintenance. Concrete dust is especially noticeable in high-traffic areas where the floors endure considerable amounts of wear and tear. At The Floor Company, we recommend sealers and waxes to help with dust control from concustom concrete floors polished concrete dust controlcrete floors. Here’s what you can do to address this problem.

Choose the Right Coating

Concrete coatings protect the concrete surface from wear and tear, scratches, and other such damage. They form a seal over the floor that contains the dust and reduces the amount that’s generated. Unfortunately, not all coatings and sealers are effective and cheap ones don’t even have a lifespan of 6 months. Concrete sealers and coatings should be chosen carefully based on their quality and performance rather than their price because repairing the damage or replacing the seal will only add to your expense. Our concrete flooring experts recommend a list of products like the Ashford Formula to help reduce dust formation.

Keep Track of Wear and Tear 

You need to keep track of wear and tear because eventually, the coatings and sealers will erode. You’ll need to apply a fresh layer to ensure the concrete surface is protected. If you don’t reapply the coating, traffic and footfalls will eventually start to erode the surface and cause an increase in the amount of dust. Some coatings and sealers last longer than others so it’s a good idea to consult with our experts before you make a choice.


Even if you apply high-performance densifiers and sealers to the surface, you’ll need to maintain it to ensure it remains in good condition. Excessive scratches, dents, and chips will hamper dust control from the concrete floors. You can place mats and carpets in high traffic areas, refresh the coating more often, and ensure the floor is cleaned and mopped regularly. This would reduce the amount of dust generated and ensure your property remains clean.

For information on dust control in concrete floors or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form


Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Concrete Garage Floor

Concrete garage floors are quite easy to maintain and don’t require much care and attention from property owners. However, you can extend the life of your garage floor with a little TLC, and in turn save some money in the long run. At The Floor Company, we recommend that you take the following steps to clean and maintain your concrete garage floors.concrete garage flooring maintenance ottawa

Use Recommended Cleaning Solutions

It’s easy to be careless with concrete garage floors because they’re very resilient and durable. However, some coatings and finishing wax on your floor aren’t as resilient as the original concrete surface itself. When you clean your floors, you need to use agents that are recommended by the contractor or the coating and wax manufacturer. This will preserve the coating and seal for a long time and ensure you won’t have to reapply them too often.

Proper Cleaning Process 

Garage floors can become dirty very easily because of chemical spills and oil stains. The grease can accumulate over time and cause permanent damage to the surface. One of the best ways to avoid this is to clean the floor thoroughly. You won’t be able to do a thorough clean as often as you like, but two to three times a year is ideal.

Summer is a good place to start because the weather is very favourable. You can remove all of the unattached items present on the floor, and sweep and scrub the surface. This will remove all of the accumulated dirt and grime from areas that you didn’t have access to before.

Floor Sealer 

If your floor isn’t polished, you need to apply a floor sealer to protect the concrete from stains and grease. Sealers, even impregnating sealers, can erode over time and need to be reapplied. Summer is a great time for this because no moisture will be trapped underneath the sealer solution and it will dry quickly.

You can also apply wax over the sealer as an added protection against grease and oil stains that are prominent in garages. These coatings will wear off based on the quality of the product so you should choose something that’s long lasting.

For information on concrete garage floors or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form


The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

Polished Concrete Vs. Tiles – Which is Better?

Both polished concrete and tiles are great options for residential and commercial flooring. Both are hard, relatively low maintenance floors and can be very versatile. We at the The Floor Company have polished concrete in many projects and our clients have always asked us how tiles compare to polished concrete floors. Hopefully this post will answer your questions on the matter.

polished concrete vs tile flooring ottawa polished concrete floors


Polished concrete floors are very durable and with proper maintenance will last you a lifetime. Tiles are also durable but they’re a little more fragile in comparison to concrete. If you drop something heavy on a tiled floor, it’s likely to crack and chip. With proper maintenance, tiles are quite durable as well but you need to be careful and make sure nothing heavy falls on the floor (this is something to keep in mind for industrial and commercial locations.


Both tiles and polished concrete some in a variety of colours and finishes but polished concrete can actually be customized to your preferences. You can choose any colour or design you want because your options are unlimited. With tiles, you can only choose from the inventory the seller might have. A good contractor will be able to add any design or pattern you want to your concrete floor so all you need to do is explain your preferences to them.


Both tile and concrete floors are quite eco-friendly and sustainable so you can install either of them in your property without guilt. Concrete flooring can be constantly refinished to improve its looks after the polish has somewhat faded. But the tiles need to be replaced if the finish has worn off or they’ve cracked and chipped. That has a greater impact on the environment than concrete flooring.


Both are low maintenance floors but polished concrete requires a little more care than tiles, especially in high traffic areas. Polished concrete doesn’t require sealers or waxing, but it’s a good idea to dust and wet mop the surface regularly. You need to make sure that there’s no dirt or grime build-up on the floor. Tiled floors are relatively easily to maintain but you do need to carefully clean the grout to maintain its looks.

For information on polished concrete or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form

The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

Are Concrete Floors Pet Friendly?

Pets bring happiness to the lives of their owners. They’re wonderful companions and can be very entertaining as well. Most pet owners want their faithful companions to be comfortable in their homes. That’s why when you’re choosing a floor system for your home, you might want to consider a pet-friendly option.

There are several types of flooring systems available in the market, some of them are ideal for households with pets and others are not. At The Floor Company, we believe that concrete floors are great for homes with pets and here are some reasons why.are concrete floors pet friendly ottawa

  • Easy to Clean- One of the best advantages of concrete floors is that they’re very easy to clean. All you need is a broom, a rag, or a mop and your floor will be clean within minutes. That can be very helpful to pet owners because pets have a tendency to shed fur, drag in mud and dirt and litter the floors.
  • Pet Stains and Odors- Even a well-trained pet can cause a mess inside the house. Unfortunately, some floors can absorb these pet stains and develop odor over time. Most concrete floors have a seal over them that prevent liquid and stains from sinking into the surface. You can be certain that the odor or the stains will be easily removed. If the floor isn’t sealed, you can use products available in the market to remove the stains.
  • Won’t Trap Fleas, Mites and Dander- Unlike carpet or wood flooring, concrete flooring has a sealed and smooth surface that won’t trap fleas, mites, and dander. These things can create an unhealthy environment in your home. Pet dander can be easily cleaned and the fleas and mites won’t have any place to hide on concrete floors.
  • Scratch Resistant- Pets are fond of running around and being active. Unfortunately, their enthusiasm can be very apparent on some floors.  Claws can scratch the surface and leave behind unsightly marks. However, this isn’t the case with concrete floors. They’re naturally scratch resistant and some seals and coatings can make them scratch proof.

As you can see, concrete flooring is ideal for your pets. For more information on concrete floors or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form.

The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

Common Questions about Concrete Floors ANSWERED


Concrete floors have been around for a long time, but only recently have they become more popular. An increasing number of people are installing these floors in their Polished Concrete Floors Ottawacommercial as well as residential properties. That’s because the technology has evolved. Concrete floors are no longer dull and boring.

They can be stained, etched, stamped, and polished to a glossy shine. These treatments have made concrete floors very popular. However, people are still uncertain about this flooring option and have questions. We at The Flooring Company have put together a list of some common questions our clients ask us.

Do Concrete Floors Crack?

Concrete can develop minor cracks, especially if it’s not installed carefully. These cracks usually add to the aesthetic beauty of the concrete. However, if you want a smooth, flawless finish, there are several topical treatments available that will hide the cracks. Overlays and coatings will also give your floor an even finish.

Do Concrete Floors become Cold?

This is a major concern for people in Canada. Yes, concrete can be cold because it has the ability to absorb the temperature of its surroundings. So, in cold environments, it’s cold and in warm environments it can be warm. It has the ability to store and retain heat that can easily help you keep your home warm. You can keep the windows and doors open to let sunlight in or install radiant heat cables under the floor. These steps will keep the floor warm and comfortable.

Is Concrete Hard on your Feet?

Concrete is a hard floor so it can be hard on your feet. You can resolve this problem by adding area rugs and other such floor treatments. Area rugs wouldn’t cover the entire floor but would offer your feet some comfort. Hard floors are actually preferable for commercial use. After all, they provide a smooth, even surface for heavy foot traffic and vehicles like forklifts. The hardness of concrete is the reason behind its durability and resilience. It’s also the reason why these floors are easier to maintain.

If you have any more questions on concrete floors or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Bellevielle, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form


The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

Concrete Repair in Ottawa

Concrete flooring is very resilient. It will last for several years with little care and maintenance. All you need to do is refresh the coating on your commercial location floors every few years and they will last for a very long time. However, in all its resilience, concrete can still get damaged. At The Floor Company, we’ve seen several different kinds of damage on concrete floors; but most of these can be repaired by concrete professionals.the floor company concrete repair ottawa

The Most Common Problems with Concrete Floors

There are different kinds of damage that can occur on concrete floors. If we don’t understand the source of the damage, we may not be able to repair it fully. In some cases, you need to address the underlying cause of the problem before the surface can be prepared. Here’s a list of the most common problems.

  • Cracks and damage caused by freezing, thawing or moisture.
  • Dents caused by heavy objects falling on the parking garage floors.
  • Staining due to oil spills or chemical spills on floors without the proper coating.
  • Scaling caused by inefficient sealing or curing in freezing temperatures.

The Process of Repairing Concrete Flooring 

Once you’ve identified the problem, you can move onto repairing it. You should be very meticulous in your repairs if you want to make sure the results last for a long time. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Measure the damaged area carefully and make sure that you don’t miss any spots. If the concrete surface isn’t level, you don’t need to mark and chip away at the floor. You should use a floor leveling compound for that.
  • You need to remove the damaged surface with a chipping hammer. If the damaged area is large, you might need professional tools to remove it.
  • The surface needs to be rough and clean so that the repair mixture will bond correctly. You should brush away the debris and wipe it with a wet cloth.
  • After this, you need to apply the repair mixture onto the damaged area of the the concrete flooring.

For more information on repairing your commercial concrete floors or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form.


The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

UV Stability and Resistance in Concrete Coatings

Exposure to sunlight and the UV rays are often a grave concern with reference to concrete coatings. Some coatings can fade or yellow over time because of the exposure to the sun. This significantly shortens the lifespan of the coatings, and forces you to change them regularly.epoxy flooring ottawa concrete

There are some coatings that are more resistant to wear and tear than others. If you want a longer life for your concrete floor coatings, we at The Floor Company, recommend that you consider your options carefully.

Epoxy Coatings

Epoxy has several advantages. It’s more affordable than other options available to you in the market. It’s also easier to handle and apply than other common concrete coatings. Unfortunately, for all its conveniences, epoxy coatings are actually very susceptible to the harsh outdoor weather and UV rays. Within a few years, you may see a distinct yellow or amber tinge to the epoxy coating that can turn your beautiful, polished finish into something not so perfect.

While there are some UV resistant epoxy coatings available in the market, they don’t stand up against the other products available in the market. If you want to use a coating on the floor that might be exposed to sun, it’s a good idea to avoid epoxy when sealing outdoor work.

Urethane Coatings

This is a more expensive coating but it certainly delivers in terms of performance. This coating is a little more time consuming to apply. However, it is highly UV resistant and doesn’t yellow easily. You can expect 5 to 8 years of durability from this coating.

This coating is great for floors with high traffic and is also chemical and stain resistant. This concrete floor coating isn’t as hard as epoxy so it’s a little more resistant to stains. As its UV stable, it doesn’t fade, and it’s also more resistant to temperature variations.

Other surfaces like latex and vinyl aren’t as resistant to UV rays and temperature variations. They shouldn’t be used in outdoor applications if you want a durable surface that looks good as well.

For more information on coated, UV resistant concrete or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Peterborough,Belleville and Durham, simply dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form.


The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

What Are The Different Types of Garage Floor Coverings?

Concrete is very resilient and can stand up to all kinds of abuse if it provides the right protection. The garage floor has to endure traffic, oil spills, heavy objects falling on it, and other such problems. To maintain its looks, it’s essential to apply a good, resilient coating to it. There are three ways to go about this. You can apply a latex paint on the floor, add an epoxy coating, or apply polyurethane.custom concrete floors garage

At The Floor Company, we recommend our clients to consider their needs and requirements carefully before choosing a garage floor coating. Let’s consider the options:

  • Latex- This is the most affordable coating available to you. Latex is very easy to apply. It’s essentially like paint and you need to do nothing but use regular rollers and brushes to apply a coat onto the floor. Unfortunately, if you want something this affordable, you’ll need to compromise on the quality.

Latex coatings are susceptible to peeling and chipping. You’ll also need to apply several coats of it to get an even finish. In essence, it’s great for a quick, cost-effective application, but not so great for resilience and durability.

  • EpoxyWhile this coating is slightly more expensive than latex, it’s still quite affordable. This material is resilient and will last for several years. You’re essentially coating your garage floor in plastic when you apply this material. The finish is very glossy, sleek, and smooth, giving your garage a clean look. 

This material won’t lift, is very durable, looks great and has many colour and finish options. However, the application process is complicated and should only be done by a professional concrete floor coating team.

  • PolyurethaneThis is the coating to choose for the professional garage. It has a very high level of durability and can resist chemical and oil spills very well. It’s also available in a variety of colours and finishes for an attractive garage. However, this coating is more expensive and might not be for the regular home garage. The application process is very complicated as well and you’ll need to hire a professional concrete floor coating team.

For more information on polished concrete, or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form.

The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

Epoxy Flooring Over Concrete vs. VCT Tiles

Epoxy Flooring Over Concrete vs. VCT TilesThere are several flooring treatments you can place on a concrete substrate. Some of the more popular applications, especially for commercial, high traffic floors or garages are epoxy flooring and Vinyl Composite Tile, (or VCT). Both of them are used in a variety of different applications with great results. But how do they compare?

Here’s a brief overview of the merits of both and how they compare against each other. While the end decision usually comes down to the budget, both have distinct advantages.


Without question, the upfront cost of VCT is more affordable. The tiles aren’t that expensive, laying them doesn’t cost much by way of time and effort. Naturally, if you’re on a strict budget, VCT is a good option for you.

On the other hand, an epoxy coating is more expensive and more difficult to install. Sometimes, the upfront cost of the installation is a deterrent. However, if you have room in your budget, this is a better long term solution in comparison to VCT.


The key difference between epoxy coatings and VCT is maintenance. The coating requires little to no maintenance. You can simply wipe or mop the surface regularly to preserve its looks.

This is where VCT might fail. While vinyl doesn’t require too much maintenance to preserve its looks, you might need to wipe, buff, and wax it regularly. This can become tedious after some years. Moreover, over time, wax get’s accumulated and needs to be stripped completely before reapplying. This can add to the costs.


Both epoxy coatings and VCT tiles are easy to apply on your concrete substrate. In both cases, the substrate needs to be in good enough condition for the layers to look good.

Most people can install VCT as a weekend DIY project. All you need to go is clean the floor thoroughly, apply a thin layer of glue, and then add the VCT. Any DIY person can accomplish this easily.

Applying an epoxy coating requires a little more skill. You need to account for the curing time between different coatings so if you plan to do it yourself, the project would take several weeks. A professional will be able to finish quickly and do a great job.

For more information on polished concrete, or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Belleville, Peterborough Kingston or Durham, simply dial this number-1877 277 9877. Alternatively, email us at or use this contact us form to connect with us.


The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4

How Long Does It Take to Polish a Concrete Floor?

Polished concrete floors are fast becoming a popular flooring option in commercial and residential properties. Concrete is certainly more resilient than most other flooring materials available today. It is also low maintenance so you don’t need to worry about doing more than an occasional mopping to maintain its looks.Polished Concrete Floors Ottawa

The polishing time depends entirely on what level of polish you want, the size of the floor, and the obstructions. Here’s a look at what’s involved in the polishing process.

The Polishing Process

There are four different levels of polish, from satin-like finish to very high-gloss. To attain different finishes, we use progressively finer grinders. Needless to say, the lower levels of polish take less time. However, the process is the same.

  • Step One – We start by using coarse diamond and metallic matrix grinders. These are enough to remove any kind of blemish, stains, small pits, coatings etc. This process essentially prepares the floor for further polishing.
  •  Step Two – During this process, we use grinders with diamond abrasives in resin or plastic matrix. Depending on the level of polish we need, we use increasingly finer grits to achieve the task. For high gloss finish, most contractors will use 1500 or finer grit.
  • Step Three – During the polishing process, we also apply internal impregnating sealer to the floor. This penetrates the concrete surface and protects it. It also densifies and hardens it, making the surface more resilient. The hardened surface doesn’t need much maintenance.

What Tools Are Used? 

The polishing process is achieved through a machine with different levels of grinding grits. The process is quite akin to sanding wood; for more shine, finer sandpaper is used.

Accordingly, for the first step, about 16-20 grit is used to remove any coating, and to level the surface. Then we move from one level of grit to other. After the surface is polished with a 150-grit, a chemical hardener is added to the floor.

After that progressively finer grits are used to achieve the desired levels of gloss. Depending on the area, the level of polish, and the obstacles, the polishing can take upwards of 2 to 3 days. However, you can use the surface immediately after the polishing is done.

For more information on polished concrete, or to get an estimate, you can contact us at The Floor Company. If you’re calling from Ottawa and surrounding areas, dial 1800 461 3121. If you’re calling from Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough and Durham, dial 1877 277 9877. You can also email us at or fill in this contact us form.


The Floor Company

Address: 1117 Newmarket Street, Unit B, Ottawa, ON K1B 4N4